About Compass to Bounty

If you want to reach your goals and fulfill your potential, become intentional about your personal growth.


“The only journey is the journey within.” 

~Rainer Maria Rilke~

Hi Everyone, I’m LaVerne,

Welcome to the Compass to Bounty website! On my site you will find my personal development blog, where I share my best tips on improving your life through personal growth and development. If you are passionate about living your best lifethis is THE place for you. If you would like to learn what it means to live a Bountiful Life, you are in the right place.

On this website you will find my best resources to Bountiful Living. And I promise, whatever is offered as FREE, will truly be free, no strings attached!

Why This Site Name???

Have you ever wonder how someone names their business, or website? Sometimes you can tell what the business or site is about based upon the name, but sometimes you can’t.

With so many sites that promote an abundant life, I wanted my site name to show that I offer more! The idea of “generosity” repeatedly entered my thoughts.  A word nerd…yes, I’ve been called that, LOL, I turned to Webster to help me with my site name. I wanted to make sure the name reflected my ideas, mission and goals.

This is what I found:

a·bun·dance /əˈbəndəns/ noun: abundance; plural noun: abundances 1. a very large quantity of something; 2 .the quantity or amount of something; 3. the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something; 4. plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity.

boun·ty    /ˈboun(t)ē/ noun: bounty;  plural noun: boun·ties 1. something that is given generously; 2. generosity in giving to others; liberality; 3. a generous gift; something freely provided; 4. yielding enough to give, especially of a crop

guid·ance   /ˈɡīdəns/ noun: guidance 1. advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty; 2. the directing of the motion or position of something

My Beliefs and Mission….

I want my beliefs and my goals for this site to be clear in the name. I strongly believe in empowerment. I want to help people, but more in a role of guiding or facilitating change. I want to use my experiences and skills in helping others in their personal growth and development journeys! I want to be the compass! 

My hope is that Compass to Bounty become your resource, your compass, for Personal Growth that will focus on your whole being. The resources you will find include, not only thought-provoking blog posts, but ebooks, courses, inspiration and coaching opportunities. When you love and care for mind, body and spirit, the benefit is to your whole being.

Now, I am by no means claiming to be an expert on the mind body or spirit or a health guru. I have helped myself and helped others achieve transformation in their lives in order to live a more fulfilled, bountiful life. 

About My Blog

The posts on Compass to Bounty will focus on the mind, body and spirit.  It is my hope that these posts fulfill my mission of Empowerment through Personal Growth. I will bring to you thought provoking ideas, information, and resources to promote the intentional growth and strengthening of these three areas of your life and if need be, help bring them into balance.

While posts on Compass to Bounty may focus on a certain area of your personal growth, for instance, spiritual growth, the ultimate goal is to benefit the whole person, not just the spiritual part. Much research has been done and findings show that when you achieve balance in all three areas of life it results in a happier, healthier you!

With that being said, information on this site should be considered informational only. It is not a replacement for professional council or treatment. Please read the Compass to Bounty Disclaimer and then explore the site to begin your own journey!

What If You Could Transform Your Life In The Next 60 Days?

My mission is to help others transform their lives beyond just having more. I want to help others have a bounty of joy, peace, purposefulness and success. A bounty for not only themselves, but a Bounty to spread, give and share with others! I want to help people THRIVE!

Begin your personal growth journey!

Reach beyond where you are in life!

Grow Bountifully!

For me, there is nothing like helping another person grow to a place where they can share the Bounty of their growth. And I am good at it! That is how the name and mission of of this site came to be. . . . Compass to Bounty!! So Don’t Wait! Let’s Get Started!

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator