Bet On Yourself. . . .Design the Life You Desire With a Life Plan

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Hi Everyone,

Well, this is the final of my four-part series, Bet On Yourself. Over the past three weeks my blog posts have covered defeating Impostor Syndrome, Self-Care and Living Your Dreams. This week will focus on creating a life plan. As always my ultimate intent is to help you achieve a Bountiful Life. With a life plan you can intentionally move toward that bounty.

Do you have a life plan? It doesn’t matter what stage of life you have already reached, it is never too late to create a life plan.  When you engage in active planning, you’re highly likely to be more successful in life. You know what you want and how you intend to get it.

I have found that many people will spend more time planning a one-week vacation, or a one time event, like a party, than they do identifying what they want to see in the major areas of their lives.

This means, most people wander through life aimlessly from day to day, week to week with no particular destination in mind other than the end of the week, or maybe their weekend plans. This unfortunately leads to an unfulfilled life that doesn’t turn out like they hoped it would.

I am a planner. Planning things is something that I enjoy. It is my belief that everyone, should take the time to create a written life plan. I can give you at least seven reasons why I believe creating a life plan for yourself is important:

A life plan will . . .

  1. help you clarify your most important priorities.  Most important people in your life have a set of priorities for you. This might include a boss, spouse, boyfriend and even others. But what about you? Do you have a list? What is important to you?
  2. enable you to maintain balance. Some people sacrifice their marriage for their career. Others sacrifice their health or their relationship with their children. But what if you could have robust health, an excellent marriage, and a successful career? It is possible—but only if you have a plan, a roadmap or guide to follow.
  3. provide a filter by which you can identify your “yeses” and “no’s”.  Once you have said “yes” to what matters most, you will find it easier to say “no” to those activities that matter less. Suddenly you have the clarity—and the courage—to manage your opportunities rather than to be managed by them.
  4. empower you to assess and address your current realities. You can’t get where you want to go unless you start with where you are. What are the honest realities of your life? Where are you falling short? Where do you know you need to improve? What is going great and on track?
  5. allow you to envision a better future. Once you have identified exactly where you are, you will be able to see more clearly where you are going. What do you want in each of the major categories of your life? What would they look like in their ideal state? This is where it starts to get exciting!
  6. serve as a road map for achieving what matters most. Once you know where you are and where you want to go, you are then in a position to create an action plan for getting there. A road map. A life plan does that.
  7. ensure that you don’t finish life with regrets. For many people, life is not turning out like they had hoped. Many look back over their lives with disappointment, discouragement and regret. But it doesn’t have to be this way. While you can’t control everything, you can live your life with a plan and dramatically improve your chances of ending up closer to a destination you choose.

So, how do you get started? You can download my free Life Plan Template, Bountiful Living – Personal Life Plan Template. (It’s totally free when you subscribe to my free Bountiful Living email newsletter first. But it’s easy and fast. You can also unsubscribe at any time. No questions asked.)

Happy Planning!

Here’s your link to the Bountiful Living – Personal Life Plan Template

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” 

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

“Unless you have a definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you.” 

~Zig Ziglar~

**DISCLAIMER~PLEASE NOTE**– I am not a medical professional. This post is based upon my own experiences and is not intended to suggest that others take it as professional medical advice. Always consult your medical professional before making any changes to your medication or lifestyle.

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator