Why You Should Rethink the Shortest Month of the Year!

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Hi Everyone,

February, the shortest month of the year, certainly lives up the the saying “Time Flies”. How quickly we are moving through the shortest month in the year. We are already half-way through. The funny thing is that this month has so many “named days” and holidays, some well known and others not so much.

My posts generally offer tips and ideas to promote Personal Growth that leads to Bountiful Living. Surprisingly many of the February holidays, to me, can be approached as opportunity days to build or stregthen your mind, body and spirit. Strengthening these areas promote Bountiful Living.

In this post, I’d like to focus on two if these days in February. One is a quite popular holiday and celebration. The other is a day I can almost say with assurance that you have never heard of it. I certainly had not. I bet you can guess one of the days.

February 14th, Valentine’s Day is also Library Lover’s Day. This is a day to celebrate libraries and bookworms. If this were a normal year you could consider visiting your local library today. For many a library card is a thing of the past, or even something you haven’t ever owned in adulthood!

Many have replaced their hard copy books with e-books. It also always surprises me when people respond that they don’t read books. I can’t even imagine that. Perhaps a new habit to start would be reading for pleasure. You can start slow, with a mindset of reading one book in two months time.

The other big holiday or celebration in February is Mardi Gras. Did you know that Mardi Gras translates as Fat Tuesday? When we hear the phrase “Mardi Gras” we think of carnivals, parades, and celebrations. However, there is more to Mardi Gras than this! Click here and read more about things you may not know about Mardi Gras.

In Christian teachings, this date is known as Shrove Tuesday, which is the last day before Lent. The name Fat Tuesday comes from the fact that it was the day to eat what you wished, before the fasting of Lent.

Instead of thinking of Lent only as a time to fast and give something up, you may want to look at it in a different light. This could be the time of year that you focus on your own personal growth. You could look at adding a good habit to your life. For example:

  • drinking more water
  • starting each day by reading a morning devotional or affirmation
  • exploring and implementing ways to build confidence
  • Learning about and considering Bountiful Living

I hope this short post (my posts are generally quite lengthy) gives you a different idea about the shortest month of the year. I hope you explore your own journey to a Bountiful and fulfilling life! Click here to get your free Confidence Builder cards!!!

Blessings and Bounty!

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”


Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator