7 Ways to Discover Your Life Purpose

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A Journey to Fulfillment!

There are many directions to explore when it comes to discovering your life purpose. Unfortunately, though, nobody else can find it for you. Since your life purpose is unique from anyone else’s, it’s a mission that you – and only you – can complete.

In your quest for purpose, concentrate on enjoying the journey itself. Sometimes when you stop stressing about your life’s purpose, it falls into your lap!

Here are some ways you can discover your life purpose:

  1. Write about how you feel. Try journaling with a pen and paper, or grab your laptop and just start writing. Write about how you truly feel and what you want out of life. Remember that no one is going to read this other than you, so don’t be afraid to express your thoughts.

    Go back and reread your entries every so often. Many times this process can bring you new realizations that you didn’t think of when you were writing it in the first place.
  1. Pursue your interests. If you’re passionate about a certain subject, maybe you can make a career or hobby out of it so that you can be involved in activities that are personally meaningful to you. This way, each day of your life will feel like it matters and you will have a life purpose.
  1. Consider your talents. Think about the areas in which you naturally excel and see if you can turn these skills into something meaningful for you.
  • Many people are drawn to a life purpose through becoming involved in activities that make them feel like they’re making a true difference in the lives of other people. You may find it fulfilling to be using something you’re good at, a talent, to help others that are in need.
  • For example, if you find that you’re good at comforting people, perhaps you can consider volunteering for something that involves comforting others. In our current state of Covid-19, this can even be done virtually. You can ease the loneliness of another, providing them comfort. Through these efforts you can be led to your purpose or a meaningful career.
  1. Converse with inspiring people. Strike up a conversation with someone who inspires you. While you might not be interested in the same things, you can talk about how they discovered their life purpose. Their triumphs and struggles will make good lessons for you in your journey to your purpose.
  1. What brings you joy? Reflect on the moments in your life when you’re most happy. What are you doing at these times? You can start the quest for your life purpose by using what already makes you happy.
  • Maybe you’re most happy when you’re just sitting at home with your family. That’s a wonderful gift!

  • Remember that you’re not necessarily searching for something exotic! After all, your life purpose may possibly be something that you are already doing naturally.
  1. Embrace change. Sometimes the thing that holds you back from self-discovery is a fear of change. There’s comfort and safety in not taking risks, but you also may never discover your life’s true purpose. Learn to embrace change because life is constantly changing around you.
  1. Uphold your values. Everyone has a set of values that they tend to adhere to in life. You can use your values as a starting point to discovering your life purpose. Make a list of your values with your most important ones at the top. Think about what you can do to honor those values in life every day and you may find your purpose.

Finding your purpose in life may not be as hard as you think. Use these strategies on your journey and one day soon you’ll realize that you’ve found the one aspect of your life that makes everything worthwhile.

“True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

~Helen Keller~

“Seeking your purpose can take time, and sometimes it discovers you first.”

~Kaylee Stepkoski~

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator