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Items on this page are Absolutely FREE!

There’s nothing I hate more than to be told that something is free and it really isn’t. I will guarantee that anything that is free will not require a fee of any type. So browse my free resources. More will be added as time goes on.

FREE 1:1 Coaching Session

Not sure about coaching? Just want to try it out? I offer a FREE coaching session. You can sign up, it’s absolutely FREE. This way you can see if we are a fit to work together for your coaching needs or just to see what it is like to have a coach. No further commitment to continue, I promise!

You must only commit to doing the work for the one free session. I can almost promise that you will want more. Find more info about my coaching on the Coaching Page. Click below and you’ll find the free session info. Scroll to the bottom of the Coaching Package Page.

30 Day Stress Relief Journey

Pick up your Stress Relief Journey! This is a 30 day challenge with daily actions to help alleviate some of the stress in your life. Stress can wreak havoc on every aspect of you life. Since it is almost impossible to totally end stress, it is important for us to find better ways to control it or lessen the effects. I hope this 30 Day Journey will provide you some strategies to begin using in your life. Click below to get your copy!