FREEDOM To Reset and Succeed!

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New Year’s Resolution Review: How Are You Doing?

Hi Everyone, Happy New Year!!!

I know, I’m very late with this greeting, but it is still heartfelt. I started the year with a plan for timeliness with posting on my website, along with a few other goals. Well, unfortunately I fell off the wagon early on. I experienced some of the same setbacks to my plans as you have probably faced.

I, like probably some of you, got off track with other things, distractions. I allowed the cold weather to interfere with some actions. I allowed myself to spend time binge watching tv shows and movies, which only provides more entertainment, not accomplishment.

I knew that my temporary time off track, my distractions, did not have to continue in that direction. I knew that I could brush myself off and get back on track!

Time to Reset!!!

Did you start the New Year with resolutions or plans to change one thing or another?

I’m sure your intention was to start the year off with a bang. You made all the necessary plans to ensure that this was going to be the year that you made big changes and saw big results.

However, most people either forget about or give up on their New Year’s resolutions by February. Does this sound familiar?

Did you make a resolution to start eating healthy and lose weight? If you did, you are not alone. This is probably the resolution most made on New Year’s Day.

Maybe you fell off the healthy eating bandwagon. Maybe you stopped the exercise habit you started in January. Or maybe you simply lost motivation to keep going with new healthy habits.

This result happens with many resolutions in other areas of life, not just the ones related to healthier lifestyle changes. Somehow, it seems that we fall off. Then we feel guilty that the effort didn’t go as planned and the goal is often abandoned.

Add in the state of the world with the virus, winter blues and colder temperatures and you’ve got a month that begs to be forgotten.

Well, in case you didn’t know it, February 1st is National Freedom Day.

Even if you’re one of the masses that isn’t on track at this point, there’s still plenty of time to pull out a big win. You don’t have to wait until next year to try again. New Year’s Day is just another day. It’s a beginning point, a motivation to make changes for the better.

You have the freedom to start again! The freedom to implement Bountiful Living. Today is just as good a day as any to start again. This year can still be the most amazing year of your life!

Try these techniques to stay with or get back on track with your resolutions:

  1. Evaluate your behavior based on your resolutions. Think about your resolutions and consider your behavior regarding those goals.
    • What are you doing that supports those goals? For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, are you choosing your foods wisely? Are you exercising? Are you following a workable plan for success?
    • What are your behaviors that are counter active to your goals?
    • How are you making decisions that support your goals?
    • How often do you plan your day with your goals in mind?
  2. Evaluate your results based on your resolutions. How much progress have you made? How many pounds have you lost? How much money have you saved? How close are you to achieving your goal?
    • How long is it going to take to reach your objectives based on your progress so far?
  3. Be honest with yourself. If you’re failing, why? When did you start getting off track? What is the reason for your lack of progress? What could you have done better?
    • If you’re doing well, what improvements can you make?
    • Do you still want to achieve this goal? It’s fine if you don’t, but that’s a good sign that it’s time for a new goal!
  1. Make a new plan if necessary. Make a new plan if you’re struggling. See if you can make an even better plan if you’re ahead of schedule. Set milestones and review your progress toward those milestones at regular intervals.
  2. Predict the obstacles. Consider the obstacles you’ve already faced and consider new obstacles you’re likely to encounter.
    • Have a plan in place to deal with those issues if they arise. Obstacles are less intimidating if you already have a strategy in place for dealing with them.
  3. Gather your resources. Think about everything you’re going to need to be successful this time.
    • How much time will you need each day?
    • What knowledge do you need to acquire?
    • Whose help do you need? Do you need a coach to provide some guidance and accountability?
    • What personality traits and attitudes do you need to possess?
  1. Reevaluate on a regular basis. Avoid letting yourself lapse this time around. Schedule a time to sit down and evaluate your progress. This might be nightly or monthly, depending on your goal. Think about what will work best for your situation.
  2. Don’t give up. If your goal is even remotely reasonable, you’ll eventually succeed If you keep trying. You’re guaranteed to fail if you give up.
    • Remember: Successful people are bold, and they don’t give up.

It’s common for people to give up, or forget about, their New Year’s resolutions by the time February 1st rolls around. Even if you fall into that category this year, there’s no reason to lose hope.

In promoting Bountiful Living, I believe that every day is a good day to start taking your life seriously and commit to making real progress.

Live a Bountiful Life! Give yourself the privilege and freedom of a RESET and start again. Use what you’ve learned in the last month to make a more effective plan going forward.

We can do anything we want to do if we stick with it long enough.

~Helen Keller~

RESET! Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a new chance to rebuild what you want.

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

~Mahatma Ghandi~

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator