4 Easy Steps to Maintaining or Creating a Healthy Mindset

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Hi Everyone,

I read an article earlier today that was directly related to this post. I decided to provide the link for those who might be interested in reading about this topic. The article, The Pandemic Changes Your Brain Even if You Don’t Have It, discusses the effects of the pandemic on our minds.

Apparently, the research shows that even without actually having the virus there can be effects to our brains, psychological effects, like depression, anxiety, grief, fear, helplessness and other negative effects. The article goes on to say though, that our brain has the ability to reprogram itself to different thinking.

Some of us are finding it harder to keep a healthy mindset during these trying times? Do you sometimes feel your healthier attitude toward life is slipping away? It’s hard not to wonder if a healthier lifestyle attainable right now?  The answer is YES!

  • The stress of modern life can sometimes make it difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle to begin with. However, even in these trying times we can still start living healthy, today, by adopting a healthy mindset.

If you find yourself leaning toward a pessimistic attitude, you can still maintain or achieve a healthy mindset. You just need to go about it in the right way.

How You Can Have a Healthier Mindset

Many people sit back, look at their lives, or certain situations and wish they could view things in a more positive way. Then they beat themselves up for being negative or for not having the attitude and responses they wish they had. This type response doesn’t do anybody any good.

  • Instead of feeling angry with yourself for responding to life or situations this way, think positively about your desire to have a healthier mindset.

Try the following steps to Journey toward creating or maintaining your healthy mindset:

1. Building a Healthy and Safe Support Network

One of the most effective paths to a healthier mindset is to find ways to deal with the stress in your life. For some people, this is as simple as writing in a journal or blog every day. Other people find that talking with close friends is both rewarding and helpful.

  • It’s important to give voice to your thoughts and emotions. How you do this is up to you.

2. Eating Healthy = Feeling Healthy

Another way to achieve a healthier mindset is to eat the right foods. When you feed your body healthy, nutritious foods, you feel better all over. Your attitude, as well as your body, feels refreshed.

Food will not change the way you respond to things if you tend to respond negatively, but it will be a great start. You don’t have to give up all junk food and your late-night activities, but try swapping carrot sticks for French fries and an hour of sleep for that late-night movie.

3. Refresh Your Mind for Healthier Thoughts!

Refreshing your body and mind is an important step in getting you ready to face each new day. Getting the sleep and rest that you need can have an amazing effect on your body and your mindset.

When we don’t get enough sleep, we can become agitated and easily upset causing us to respond to normal situations in a negative way. During sleep our bodies regenerate and heal from the physical stresses of the day. In not getting the rest we need, we steal this healing time from ourselves. 

You’ll find that you’ll be able to acquire a healthier mindset when you take active steps to deal with your stress and treat your body with the tender loving care it deserves. Suddenly the world becomes a much more positive place when you pair these things with positive thinking.

4. Practice Positive Thinking and Affirmations

You can use the power of positive affirmations to reprogram your mind so you can think in a healthier and more positive way.

For example, each morning you could say, “I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.”

  • Positive thinking begins when you affirm the positives in your life.

You can use positive affirmations in moments of weakness when you are tempted to fill up on junk food, respond negatively to something, or trade sleep for something less important.

When you create a healthy mindset by making good choices about food, rest, and positive thinking, you’ll be happier and feel healthier and more in control of the new ways you think, feel, and live. You’ll discover that your happier, healthier lifestyle has arrived!

**DISCLAIMER~PLEASE NOTE**– I am not a medical professional. This post is for informational purposes, and is not intended to suggest that others take it as professional medical advice. Always consult your medical or mental health professional before making any changes to your medication or lifestyle.

Blessings & Peace

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator