Life Changing Mistakes . . .

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3 Ways to Possibly Avoid Them!

Hey There, LaVerne Here,

Do you make a lot of mistakes, or even just feel like you do? I hate making a mistake. Especially when I’m sewing or making a piece of jewelry or OMG on a DIY project. It means I have to take everything apart, examine it to see what I did wrong and then redo everything the right way.

Unfortunately making mistakes can’t be avoided. How mistakes are handled does make a difference.  As a teacher, I always taught my students that most mistakes can be corrected. I would then give them the opportunity to do so.

Part of their learning process, especially in math, was to practice making corrections to real life math mistakes that other students made on their work. They were taught to really take their time, look over each step of the problem, and make sure there were no mistakes along the way.

I always made sure to include some problems that were totally correct. If a student found a mistake, they were allowed to show the class how they found it, why it was a mistake and present a strategy to correct the mistake. This skill helped them in correcting their own work. 

We make both careless and thoughtless mistakes.

They learned that sometimes, if rushing, we can make a careless mistake or if we don’t review or think through what we’re doing we make a thoughtless mistake. This applies to our everyday lives as adults as well.  We make both careless and thoughtless mistakes.

Sometimes, even thinking things through can result in a mistake. We’re only human you know. Not choosing what’s best in the long run, and choosing instead what brings the quickest solution or easiest result, can result in a mistake that is both careless and thoughtless.

At other times mistakes are made when our choices are based upon fears, ignorance, or response to a temporary situation in which we don’t have the patience to wait for a change.

We should be careful in making a decision or choosing something based upon our fears. We were not created to have or live in the spirit of fear, so if fear is your guide, rebuke it and live into the choice of love, strength, and sound thinking. Most decisions made in fear end up as huge mistakes!

In many cases if we listen to the direction given from God, we can avoid making a mistake. If we are in tune to listening and following that direction, we can feel it in our “gut”.  I know I can. We know if what we are about to do, or the choice we are about to make is wrong. With that we can change our thinking and make the correct choice, or, we can go against what we know is the right direction and make a mistake.

Can life’s mistakes be corrected? Most of the time yes, but sometimes not. What do you do when you realize that you have made a mistake? That you are or were in error in some action?. . . That your were WRONG!!!!

If we never assess our actions or look at the results of our choices, then we never have the opportunity to correct mistakes

If we never assess our actions or look at the results of our choices, then we never have the opportunity to correct mistakes or sometimes even recognize that we made the mistake. How are those mistakes be corrected?

What are the consequences of not correcting mistakes? In some instances, it is live and learn, but in some situations the consequences can be more serious.

For a student it could result in failure of a major exam or even a grade level. For adults who don’t correct mistakes there can be even greater consequences. Loss of job or position, loss of friendships or choosing the wrong life partner.

Mistakes can be corrected. Correction should be done as soon as possible after realizing a mistake has been made. Quick correction can possibly avoid unwanted life changing consequences.

Here are some suggestions to correct mistakes and avoid those consequences.

  • Review the actions leading up to the mistake.
  • Assess what could have or should have been done differently.
  • If apologies are necessary, make them.
  • If groveling is necessary, lose your pride for the long- term positive outcome.
  • If you need to take some other physical action to correct your mistake do it.

Realize that in some cases the consequences of a mistake may not change. In that case, the mistake should still be corrected. Correction will result in peace of mind from doing the right thing. Also, the valuable lessons learned can help to guide future decisions and actions. . . Lessons that will help in recognizing and listening for the direction from the Spirit. . . Listening for guidance in making wise, thoughtful decisions based in love, sound mind and practicing strength and wellness of spirit.

“Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts.” – Nikki Giovanni

“Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.” – Anonymous

Until next time, Making Mistakes is a Journey to a Better You!

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator