Change Your Life, Heal Your Body!

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Lifestyle Changes Can Help Turn Illness Around. . .

Have you ever gone to your doctor for your annual physical and heard news that shocked you? You find yourself sitting looking at the doctor and wondering what he or she is talking about….. Well that happened to me in February 2015.

It was during the visit following all the tests and bloodwork that you have every year.   You always wait for the news to hear hopefully that everything looks good and that you can come back next year. You usually hear the same old thing about how maybe you need to increase your good cholesterol or something similar.

He looks at me and says, ”You’re diabetic.”

On this visit, the doctor came in after reviewing my tests. He looks at me and says, ”You’re diabetic.” He didn’t say pre-diabetic, just right to the real deal. In my disbelief, I told him he must be mistaken. He assured me he was correct and showed me test results revealing an A1c of 9.2. At that time, I had no idea what that meant.

I was visibly distraught, which he could see. He explained that I would need to begin a medical trial for the medication I would need to take as soon as possible and that I would need to eat whole wheat bread and brown rice. I’m simply staring, still in disbelief. I had a flash. seeing medication and needle pricks.

I had a small amount of knowledge about diabetes. I had friends and acquaintances who lived with the condition. I knew that it was life changing and often resulted in other chronic illness, ongoing and increasing medication, and amputation. I had also heard the effects that it typically had on not only the person with diabetes, but also their family.

Since I already felt that I ate a healthy diet, I couldn’t wrap my head around this. Plus, I hated medication and the idea of adding another lifetime medication to my list was not in my plans. I thought there had to be something else that I could do. Maybe this was temporary.

I asked the doctor if there was something else that I could do. I was told that there was not, that this condition was treated with medication. I was given an appointment date to return for admittance into the clinical trial.

Fortunately for me, I had another doctor appointment immediately after that one. At my next appointment, the doctor could see that I was still shaken. I explained what had happened. She told me she had a doctor friend who had written a book that could possibly help me. She gave me the information, continued our appointment and I went home. Still in shock.

I made the decision to take charge of my health!

If there was another possible way to treat my diabetes, I wanted to try it. You see, I was and still am that person who believes in trying an alternative treatment before I resort to medication. Unless it’s an emergency or very serious. I was scared and angry and could not understand how I was diabetic. No warning signs, and no one in my family was diabetic.

Well, I purchased the book online, that day. I began reading and implementing, immediately. The following week I went back to the doctor. I explained that I wanted to try diet and exercise changes as a possible solution before trying the medication. My doctor became angry and stormed from the room. That was my last visit with him.

That week I found a new doctor who was willing to work with me. He gave me three months to try diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes. He informed me that after three months if things hadn’t changed, that I would have to begin medication. I was still a bit confused and worried. I thought that my diet was pretty healthy. I already had an exercise regime. I walked 3 – 4 times a week and did Zumba weekly.

With a great deal of prayer, and changes to my lifestyle and my new healthier diet, I moved forward. I was still concerned about what the tests would show after three months. I was so fearful of having to take another medication for life that I was willing to do almost anything to avoid it. Needless to say, three months later, I returned to the doctor for my follow-up after bloodwork.

No need for medication!

I was 30 pounds lighter and my A1c was now at 5.6. No need for medication! I felt great and was preparing to walk in my very first 5K. The doctor asked how I did it. He admitted that he was shocked as he didn’t expect to see a change.

When I asked him why doctors don’t give patients the option to treat with lifestyle changes, his response was that doctors feel patients won’t make the changes. It is over five years later and I haven’t had to take medication. I’m hopeful that it will remain that way.

Diabetes is only one of the epidemics that can be treated with lifestyle changes instead of medications that often come with less than desired side effects. Next time, I’ll explain a bit more about what I actually did. It is my hope that I will be able to help others avoid medication or reduce it if they are already taking it.

**DISCLAIMER~PLEASE NOTE**– I am not a medical professional. This post is based upon my own experiences and is not intended to suggest that others take it as professional medical advice. Always consult your medical professional before making any changes to your medication or lifestyle.

Your Future Pilot to Transformation,

BA Design ~ MA Ed ~ Certified Life Coach ~ Workshop Facilitator